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高级犹太研究课程是为女孩开设的一门为期三年的课程. There are two curricular components to the 高级犹太研究 Program (AJSP), 口头律法与犹太思想. 在口头法部分, 学生学习哈拉卡过程从圣经诗句代码和回应. There are two primary goals to Oral Law courses: 1) to develop the skills necessary to understand Halachic texts in their various forms, and 2) to appreciate Halacha as an ongoing expression of the norms by which Jews conduct themselves collectively and as individuals.

犹太思想课程探讨犹太哲学家的著作, from Maimonides and Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi to Rav Kook and Rav Joseph Soloveichik, 因为他们试图在后现代世界中定义灵性. Every course is designed to help students understand the views of our greatest thinkers as they struggled with the questions of human existence. 每个文本都被用作讨论的起点, which help students better understand themselves and the meaning of their Jewish lives.

Courses Offered

口语法2 -常规:1学分

在这个为期一年的课程中,学生学习安息日的律法. Halacha is taught using a unique style of instruction which allows Halacha and values to be taught in an innovative three-tier style that focuses on Development of Halacha, Principles upon which Halacha is based and applying these principles to a modern world. The Zachor aspects stressing the positive mitzvoth with emphasis on how to keep Shabbat on campus and the Melachot are studied.

Texts: “From the Source with Spirit” of the Halacha Education Center in Israel, 老师编写的资料书
作业要求:1-2.5 hours per week

口头法2 -荣誉:1学分


在这个为期一年的课程中,学生学习安息日的律法. Halacha is taught using a unique style of instruction which allows Halacha and values to be taught in an innovative three-tier style that focuses on Development of Halacha, Principles upon which Halacha is based and applying these principles to a modern world. The Zachor aspects stressing the positive mitzvoth with emphasis on how to keep Shabbat on campus and the Melachot are studied. Talented and motivated students work with the instructor to design further and deeper study at the honors level.

Texts: “From the Source with Spirit” of the Halacha Education Center in Israel, 老师编写的资料书
作业要求:1-2.5 hours per week

口头法3 -常规:1学分

In this course, students study the principles of derivation of the Law from TaNaCH and the application of principle and precedent in addressing modern questions. This course is designed to develop reading and comprehension skills in Halachic textual study. In each exploration, practical Halachic application is the ultimate objective. 学习单元包括:特舒瓦定律, 非犹太人准备的食物, 巴沙瓦夫法则), Shabbat (Laws of Muktzeh and Hotzaah) and Laws of Appropriate Dress and Demeanor. In addition, students are assigned to research related topics in Oral Law employing skills and sources that they have learned throughout the course, 并发表一篇论文来反映这项研究.

文本:由拉比Binyomin Segal编写的资料书, 哈拉卡作品和来源包括:相关的塔木德段落, 迈蒙尼德的密西尼托拉, turshulchan Aruch, Shulchan Aruch, and responsa
作业要求:2.5 hours per week

口头法3 -荣誉:1学分

Prerequisite: Students must have the ability to study texts in the original Hebrew.

In this course, students study the principles of derivation of the Law from TaNaCH and the application of principle and precedent in addressing modern questions. 重点放在从经典来源的衍生Halacha. This course is designed to develop reading and comprehension skills in Halachic textual study. In each exploration, practical Halachic application is the ultimate objective. Units studied include: 非犹太人准备的食物 and Laws of Bassar v’Chalav), In addition, a unit devoted to the study of unique applications of halacha during the included.

文本:从源头与精神:Hilchot Kashrut

口头法4 -常规:1学分

In this course, the primary objective is for students to develop an understanding and appreciation for the relationship between the Oral Law and the Written Law. 在这个项目的最后一年, students refine their reading and comprehension skills through the expansion of Halachic topics. Increasing attention is devoted to modern response as they relate to our rapidly changing society. 这门课围绕伦理困境和当代问题展开. 学习单元包括:医学伦理学(连体双胞胎), Triage, Abortion, Euthanasia, 器官捐赠)和当代问题(精神健康), LGBTQ). 

Texts: Sourcebook of readings compiled by the teacher and source packets published via 奥拉米NLE Morasha教学大纲 

口头法4 -荣誉:1学分

Prerequisite: Students must have the ability to study texts in the original Hebrew.

In this course, the primary objective is for students to develop an understanding and an appreciation for the relationship between the Oral Law and the Written Law. 在这个项目的最后一年, students refine their reading and comprehension skills through the expansion of Halachic topics. Students demonstrate their mastery by writing a research paper on a topic of their choice first and second semester. Increased attention is devoted to modern response as they relate to our rapidly changing society. Units studied include: Consumer/commercial Kashruth, Medical Ethics and the Laws of Yom Kippur.

文本:经典法典和现代反应的原始资料,Mishna Berura


犹太思想2 -常规:1学分

在这门ladbrokes立博亚洲犹太思想的课程中, 学生探索犹太教所依据的哲学原理. 该课程以迈蒙尼德的13条信仰原则为基础. Each principle is studied in depth using classical and contemporary sources including Maimonides Guide to the Perplexed and Rav Dessler’s Michtav MeEliyahu. Some of the topics analyzed and discussed are: Interface between Science and Religion, 宇宙纪元预言, 神的预知vs. Human free will, Hashgacha Pratit, 神圣的Torah作者, 比较宗教, 犹太人对痛苦和苦难的反应, Mashiach, Olam Haba.



犹太思想3 -荣誉:1学分

Prerequisite: Students must have the ability to study all texts in original Hebrew.

In this course, the primary objective is to help students to assume responsibility for their own behavior through ethical and spiritual decision-making. This is accomplished through in depth study of Pirkei Avot through the eyes of the classical commentators. In addition, 这门课探讨了几个哲学问题, 比如自由意志, 祈祷和其他, 通过研究现代犹太思想家的作品, 包括伊莱雅胡·德斯勒拉比和阿基瓦·塔兹拉比.

This class places emphasis on critical thinking skills and the transfer of these skills to all other areas of learning.

Texts: Pirkei Avot with Kahati, The Thinking Jewish Teenager’s Guide to Life, Rabbi Akiva Tatz

犹太思想4 -常规:1学分

This course focuses on an in-depth understanding of the rationale and philosophical foundation of the rituals of the Jewish Life Cycle. 学生们学习早晨的祝福以及现代的作品, 犹太法典和中世纪的思想家. This course places emphasis on refining discussion, textual analysis and critical thinking skills.

Text: 通往犹太教的大门 by Rabbi Mordechai Becher, sourcebook of readings compiled by teacher and source packets published 通过OLAMI NLE Morasha教学大纲

犹太思想4 -荣誉:1学分

Prerequisite: Students must have the ability to study all texts in original Hebrew.

In this course, students are introduced to Modern Jewish thinkers and their approaches to contemporary issues confronting Judaism. 学生们研究拉比约瑟夫B. Soloveichik, Rabbi Shalom Carmy, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, and analyze original essays and sources. 本课程采用开放式论坛讨论, 让学生表达和支持自己的想法和观点. In this course, students refine their critical thinking skills through careful text analysis.



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