Writing the Application Essay
כתיבת חיבור לרישום
所有私立学院和大学以及一些大型州立大学都要求认真撰写论文或个人陈述. 现在,一些高择优录取的大学要求学生回答几个论文题目和简短的问题. 对大学论文的日益重视反映在英语教师和大学辅导员为帮助大三学生所做的计划上, 无论是在课堂上还是在春季学期提供的结构化大学咨询项目中. The process of selecting topics, outlining ideas, writing, editing, 多次重新编辑是应用程序中最耗费时间和精力的部分. 家长、老师和大学辅导员可以帮助学生,但不能重写论文. 至关重要的是,每个学生的主要努力是:诚实, thorough, 和良好的书面表达,使个人从竞争对手中脱颖而出.
Essay Edge is online course that can be accessed at www.essayedge.com. 在大学规划研讨会期间,所有大三学生都可以获得其他信息.
Writing an Essay
这篇文章是你使用你的声音和个性化你的申请的机会. 这是你展示自己的机会,而这些在你的其他应用中是不会出现的. 所以,退后一步,反思一下,想想你作为一个个体是谁. How do you view the world? What do you care about deeply? 什么样的经历和人对你的成长有重要的影响? What are your aspirations in life?
Why Do Colleges Require Essays?
一份大学申请包含了很多ladbrokes立博亚洲你的信息, 然而,这篇文章给了你一个解释你如何看待自己的机会. Your essay gives colleges an insider view of you. The essay performs other functions as well, such as:
- 表明你已经对你申请的学校进行了仔细的研究和思考. 用你自己的话来说,它表明了为什么你和这所大学是很“匹配”的.”
- 展示你的写作能力,这是在大学取得成功的关键因素. 在你的文章中,你可以表现出你愿意把自己投入到你所做的事情中. 这种承诺是大学有效学习的重要组成部分. 它向招生委员会表明,你是一个愿意并且能够成为学习者社区中有贡献的成员的人.
- For selective colleges especially, 这篇论文有助于招生委员会在申请者中做出区分和选择. 一篇论文很少会使申请人在大学中被淘汰, 但它确实可以提升申请人在招生委员会眼中的地位.
What Admissions Officers Look For
- 一定要回答文章的问题,并按照给出的所有指示去做.
- 以一个强有力的开头段落开始,抓住读者的兴趣.
- 使用一种你觉得舒服并且适合主题的风格.
- Use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
- Make a point and stick to it; develop your argument or narrative.
- Check all of your facts. Do you mention a date, or a place or an event in your essay? Make sure it’s correct.
- 给你的读者完整的信息,这样他或她就不会感到困惑.
- In general, it’s best to be succinct. 如果文章有推荐长度,请注意.
- The essay should be neatly typed.
- Remember that mistakes, especially sloppy mistakes, make it look like you don’t take the essay (and by extension, the application) very seriously.
Essay Topics
申请是否要求你选择一个写作主题? 有多少申请者,就有多少好题目(实际上更多). Here are some places you might look for an essay topic:
- 你是否有真正让你兴奋、让你全身心投入的业余爱好和追求? 写下你的课外兴趣可以帮助你展现出你没有被提及或没有被完全提及的部分,并在你的申请中充分发挥你的优势.
- Is there a social cause that you hold near and dear? Remember, an essay is not an academic paper; but a cause that you feel passionately about and that has been in your thoughts and activities, might be the basis for a strong essay.
- 也许有一个事件(本地的、国内的或国际的)以个人的方式触动了你.
- Is there an academic subject that really sparks your interest? Why does that subject engage you? Has it led to experiences or study outside of school? 可能会有超出你所学课程的论文材料或AP考试的分数.
How to Handle a Topic
Often, you will be asked to write about an experience you’ve had, an achievement in your life, or someone who has been significant to you. Go beyond the what and dig into the how and why. For example:
This is a personal essay, not a travelogue. So, if you’re writing about a trip to another country, tell about how your experiences affected you, and why they were interesting or meaningful to you. In other words, 读这篇文章的人感兴趣的是你的动力是什么,以及你是如何变成现在这样的, not in how the trains run in Paris. 你是在向你的祖父母和他们对你童年的影响致敬吗? Be personal and specific, not just sentimental. 解释你的祖父母做过或说过的特别的事情对你来说是多么重要. 你是否克服了运动损伤并恢复到良好的表现? 一篇ladbrokes立博亚洲你使用的石膏类型和你的康复程序的描述不会让你的文章引人注目. But a reflection on what it felt like to watch your teammates, instead of play alongside them, just might be the ticket.
Possible Pitfalls
- 写一首诗或制作录像带来代替一篇文章可能不是一个好主意, 除非你申请的是一所鼓励提交这种材料的特殊学校.
- Humor can be risky, so be careful how you use it.
- “Honor code” rules are in effect when you write an essay, so do your own work and don’t make things up. As a practical matter, other items in the application, such as letters of recommendation, 如果你试图编造事实,那就很有可能被发现.
Some Final Tips
Leave yourself time to rewrite and revise. 对于绝大多数人来说,这不是一项容易的任务. Start early and leave plenty of time! Most likely that means to give yourself weeks, not days and certainly not hours, to rework your essay.
如果你的文章超过三页(除非说明要求更长), then it had better be interesting! Think hard about what you really want to focus on, and take out whatever gets away from your central point. The admission committee will take your essay seriously. You should, too. 花时间和精力写一篇好文章,你会收获很多.