使学生能够平衡工作和生活, 我们预计总体平均作业负荷不超过2.每晚5小时, which means that though there will be variations by day and students, teachers should not assign more than an average of 20 minutes of homework per night.
Students should not receive any homework over the three major vacation periods, 这样他们就可以放松了, 休息和充电. Homework should not be due on the day after Purim and the night of Yom HaAtzmaut. 假期结束后的头两天不安排书面作业或考试. 在假期后(通常是2-3周)不能合理完成的时间内,不应提交任何重大作业。. AP课程除外, 英语系阅读作业, 以及自愿学习Torah的额外学分项目.
为了减轻测试和主要任务的负担, 并允许学生提前计划, the Academy has instituted a “test day” program for all major subjects. The goal of this program is that all major assignments should be due, 考试安排在该科目的“考试日”.“然而, 如果考试日因节假日不能参加考试, 组装, 或跳过, 可指定另一天. 考试可能不会在禁食的日子进行.
星期几 | 犹太研究科目 | 通识科目 |
星期一 | 圣经 | 数学 |
星期二 | 塔木德/高级犹太研究 | 科学 |
星期三 | 先知 | 历史 |
周四 | 希伯来语言 | 英语 |
星期五 | ||
上午未参加考试的学生,可能不允许参加下午的考试,并获得全额学分. Rather, their score will be automatically reduced by 1/2 grade (5 points on a 100-point scale). 补考可能会在不同的日期进行.
以上规则不适用于测验, 哪门课可以在任何一节课上进行, 宣布或未宣布. 出于这些目的, a quiz is distinct from a test in that it: addresses less than the past week of material, 不到二十分钟就完成了吗, 还不到考试成绩的四分之一.
ladbrokes立博亚洲 assigns course grade points in accordance with the schedule below. Grade point average is calculated based on the final semester grade only. 减(-)或加(+)对GPA计算没有影响. Valid transfer credits, while listed on ICJA transcripts, are not included in GPA calculations.
年级 | 常客 | 荣誉 | 加速 |
A | 4 | 5 | 5 |
B | 3 | 4 | 4 |
C | 2 | 3 | 3 |
D | 1 | 2 | 2 |
ladbrokes立博亚洲 指导部 Director of Guidance – 路易斯·弗莱格尔曼拉比 (773-973-1450 x 125)
Auspices: Associated 塔木德 Torahs – A beneficiary of the Jewish Federation of Chicago
年级的修正 & 改变“不完整”
在一个季度或学期结束时被评为“不完整”的学生有6周的时间来补课. During that period, penalties, if any, are at the discretion of the teacher. After the allotted period, the student’s grade is changed to an “F”.
Students have 3 weeks (15 school days) from the receipt of their report card to contest grades. Once this occurs, a grade can only be changed if it was as a result of clerical or teacher error. 请求应向学生的老师提出. 老师会在学生提出要求后一周内作出回应. The teacher’s determination of a grade is final and not subject to appeal.
Students wishing to change classes must submit a completed “class change” form by 点击这里 (由他/她的父母共同签署)到指导部. As a rule, students will have an initial response within 2 class days. 所有秋季课程变更申请必须在9月20日前提交.
In extraordinary circumstances a student may be allowed to drop a class after the drop deadline. 在这种情况下,评分为“W”(代表“退出”). The grade will not be averaged in the GPA but will appear as the semester grade for the course.
为了保证ICJA学术课程的质量, 以下是ladbrokes立博亚洲转学分的政策.
- 入读国际学生协会的学生在修读课外课程时,必须事先获得指导部门的批准. 该批准应在课程开课前至少6周获得. Approval requests can be submitted via the “Outside Credit” form by 点击这里. 高中前的学分不能转换到ICJA.
- Transfer courses will be accepted at ICJA only for elective credit and not to meet core requirements. 例如, 如果学生想在ICJA以外的地方学习历史课程, 那门课满足不了三个条件中的任何一个.5个历史学分为毕业要求,但将计入毕业要求的选修学分. Or, 暑期修读普通化学课程的学生, 还需要在ICJA学习三年的科学课程吗, 但也有可能升到荣誉级别的化学课程,或者直接升到普通级别的物理课程.
- 如果学生的必修课不及格, 他/她可能, 经指导部门事先批准, 被允许在ICJA之外补课.
- Credits from other accredited schools will be accepted based on the number of hours completed. One year of credit is equal to 120 hours of in-class instruction plus any homework.
- While grades from transfer credits will be recorded on the ICJA transcript, 它们不会计入学生的GPA或班级排名.
- 在学年期间, 修读校外课程的科目,必须是学院没有开设或无法安排的科目.
- 在线课程的注册将根据学生的出勤情况和独立工作能力的表现进行审查.
Students may be granted approval to take external credits under the following conditions:
1. 升入下一年的另一级别课程.
2. 参加ICJA不提供的AP课程.
3. 参加我们无法安排的ICJA核心课程. 在这种情况下,ICJA将承担在线课程的费用.
4. 具有IEP并接受学术支持的学生可能有资格根据具体情况参加在线课程. A specific recommendation from Academic Support and approval by ICJA administration. 课程进度需要每周由学术支持监督.
在科勒尔学习满10学时的学生可以获得科勒尔额外学分,并且只有在科勒尔学习的科目才能获得分数符号的更改. A maximum of one symbol change may be earned by a student each semester.
所有带进教学楼的食物都必须是符合学校认可认证的犹太食品.g., cRc, OU, kf - k, o-K).
A “K” is not necessarily a valid symbol of 饮食教规 and therefore is unacceptable. Home cooked foods are not permitted to be served to others during school. All food purchased off-campus during school hours must adhere to school standards of 饮食教规, and all restaurants frequented must be under Orthodox rabbinical supervision.
开车 & 停车的特权
Students with valid drivers’ licenses may use the ICJA parking lot under the following conditions:
- 申请在停车场停放车辆的许可, students must have their license plate numbers and vehicles registered with the office.
- 司机不得超过5米.p.h. 在学校操场上.
- 不要把车停在有标志的预留车位上.
- Illegal parking may result in a warning or the student’s car may be towed. 所有拖曳费用和罚款将由您负责.
- 严禁不安全驾驶,违者将被取消泊车权及/或拘留.
不遵守上述任何规定,将会被暂停在学院的停车特权, 罚款和拘留.
每个储物柜都配有一把密码锁. 确保贵重物品的安全, we suggest that students not give out their combinations and keep lockers locked at all times. (If you have any questions or have trouble opening your locker, see Mrs. Nylund.) ICJA lockers belong to the school and from time to time may be checked. 任何内外装饰必须符合学校标准,禁止在储物柜内外书写. 行政部门将要求删除不适当的材料,并对冒犯性材料进行处罚.
ladbrokes立博亚洲 is committed to a policy of non-discrimination. 不分性别,不准生孩子, 残疾, 比赛 或者国籍 will be denied an education at ladbrokes立博亚洲. 也不会因为年龄而拒绝雇用任何工作人员, 比赛, color, 性, 宗教, 残疾, 或者国籍. Employment will be determined by qualifications to fulfill job requirements.
在需要执照的领域雇用的每个人都必须持有并在相关执照的范围内执业. 2011-2012年,所有被分配到全职教学或行政职位的个人必须持有学士或更高学位. 所有员工都必须采集指纹,伊利诺斯州警方和联邦调查局将对其进行犯罪背景调查. 学校不会雇用任何曾被判犯有一级谋杀未遂罪或犯有或企图犯下X级重罪或任何一项或多项ILCS s/21-23(a)所列罪行的个人。, 105 ilcs 5/21b-80. 所有员工都在全州性罪犯数据库和全州谋杀犯和暴力侵害青少年罪犯数据库中登记. 根据105 ILCS 5/22-94(c)(3)和(4)的要求,学校已为7月1日或之后聘用的任何新申请人完成并存档了所需的工作经历审查文件, 2023. All employees must provide evidence of freedom from communicable disease, including tuberculosis. 所有就业机会都以收到ICJA接受的背景调查报告为条件. All background checks are conducted in conformity with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and state and federal privacy and anti-discrimination laws. Reports are kept confidential and are only viewed by individuals involved in the hiring process. If information obtained in a background check would lead ICJA to deny employment, 我们会向申请人提供一份报告副本, and the applicant would have the opportunity to dispute the report’s accuracy. ICJA agrees to comply with any other applicable State or federal law or regulatory requirement.
如果为学生提供交通工具, ICJA教师和/或工作人员在接送学生时应由另一名教师或工作人员陪同.
用私家车接送学生时, permission from the parent/ guardian should be obtained and documented in writing. 如果在运送学生之前无法获得事先许可或通知家长/监护人(例如紧急情况或无法联系家长/监护人), ICJA Teachers and/or 工作人员 should take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the student; within a reasonable period of time following transportation of a student, 教师和/或工作人员应记录所采取的行动,并在后续沟通中通知ICJA行政部门.
Upon enrollment in the school, parents are notified of this policy and may opt out at any time.
Certified copies of transfer students’ records must be requested within 14 days of enrollment; ICJA must send unofficial records of students transferring to other schools within 10 days of the request.